Edvard Munch Lecture

Edvard Munch Lecture


Wednesday, 23. March 2022    
19:00 - 20:30

Event Type

Online lecture:
Knut Nesse, Resident Historian for Viking Cruises, will give an online lecture on Wednesday March 23 from 7 to 8:30 pm (lecture 45 min + Q&A 45 min)
The Scream – Life and work of renowned Norwegian painter Edvard Munch.
Knut will discuss how Edvard Munch’s life and work is linked, and address the following questions: How is Munch’s childhood influencing his paintings? How is his madness and mental illness driving his creativity? What similarities do you find with Munch and other painters like van Gogh, Gaugin? «I am painting for myself» he said. What emotions is he portraying in his works, and how does he do it? What do you feel when you explore «The Scream» and other works by Munch? (Madonna, Sick Child, …). How can «The Scream» fetch $120 million at auction?”