We are the Norwegian Association of Montreal, bringing together Norwegians and Canadians of Norwegian descent, their families, and in many cases friends of Norway in general. Our purpose is to create events where we celebrate Norwegian Culture and traditions, and where we build the Norwegian community in Montreal and the surrounding areas.
Most of our events take place in the Norwegian Community Centre which is located in Lachine. The community center is our home where we have a large community hall and a church. The community center is owned and maintained by our members and provides us with a large space where we can hold events of all kinds.
As proud Norwegians we celebrate our Constitution Day, May 17th, with a flag parade on the lawn, fun and games with sausages and ice cream for all. We also have a formal dinner for the adults. Once a year we also have our traditional Shrimp Party, a family Ski Day, and family BBQs both in Lachine and in the Laurentians in the fall. At Christmas time we invite all children and adults to a traditional Juletrefest – Christmas Tree Party! We also have a traditional Julebord – Christmas Party – for adults.
A big event for us is the Annual Christmas Sale where we offer Norwegian food and chocolate for sale as well as Dale sweaters, Norwegian pewter and jewelry, homemade marzipan cakes and delicious open-faced sandwiches (“smørbrød”). A large group of volunteers make this annual fundraising event possible.
Every month on the first Tuesday (except July and August) we have a Pub Night at Hurley’s Irish Pub on Crescent St in Montreal. Everyone is welcome, and no reservation is required (5:30 pm to 8 pm).
The Norwegian Association also arranges Norwegian classes, soccer matches, cultural events, and theatre evenings open to both members and non-members.
The Norwegian Church was for many years the official Norwegian Seamen’s Church in Montreal. Today it operates as an independent Norwegian Lutheran congregation. Our Church has regular religious services, and we often invite a Norwegian Pastor from the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in New York. Our traditional Christmas Candlelight Service is a highlight and is well attended by friends from many other congregations.